Criminal Defense Firm

We are here to serve our clients throughout every difficult stage of the legal process. Our firm offers legal counsel to our clients with their best interest in mind. Our extensive knowledge of the law and experience helps safeguard our client’s constitutional rights.

We are prepared to aggressively defend our clients and protect their rights at every stage of the legal process; from investigation to trial, we are here to help. We are relentless in pursuing all possible options for your defense. Our firm is thorough in spending time carefully gathering evidence such as police reports, eyewitness testimonies, and other key information that is important to our client’s case. Our team of experts include paralegals, private investigators, litigation consultants, and other legal professionals ready to assist with our client’s case.

Our firm has successfully defended the rights of numerous clients accused of committing serious crimes. We know this can be extremely difficult and a stressful experience, but you can rest assured that our firm will provide you with the answers and support that you will need to get through this stressful process. Time matters, so we know the importance of working aggressively on your behalf. Contact us now.

When Time Matters.

When you are charged with a crime of any kind, your life is turned upside down. You may be frightened, hurt, and unsure of what will happen next. It may feel like everyone is against you and you have no one to turn to who can help you. If you were accused of committing a crime in Florida, you’re not alone. Innocent people are arrested every day for crimes they didn’t commit, and others are good people who simply made a poor choice.