
Federal cases and outcomes:

US Government wanted to sentence Defendant to four years in prison. Judge reconsidered his position based upon arguments by counsel.

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Federal Judge agreed to sentence Defendant to home confinement and breaking the guidelines.

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Client was ultimately released from custody and sentenced to probation so no sex offender registry.

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Charges were reduced to a misdemeanor and ultimately resolved without incarceration.

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Represented two individuals in which the sentences were ultimately reduced.

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Represented two defendants in this case in which the charges were ultimately dismissed by the US Government.

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Represented one of the individuals charged in the scheme and he received one of the smallest sentences of all co-conspirators.

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Plane Threat Suspect Gets Plea Deal

When Time Matters.

When you are charged with a crime of any kind, your life is turned upside down. You may be frightened, hurt, and unsure of what will happen next. It may feel like everyone is against you and you have no one to turn to who can help you. If you were accused of committing a crime in Florida, you’re not alone. Innocent people are arrested every day for crimes they didn’t commit, and others are good people who simply made a poor choice.

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