Federal Tax Crimes
Federal tax crimes are not a joking matter.
While they are non-violent in nature, they involve withholding money from the government and are therefore penalized harshly.
Whether you are charged with tax evasion, failure to file income taxes, or filing a false return, you need professional legal counsel.
Depending on the details of your case, your freedom may be on the line.
Types of tax crimes
The federal government does not like being taken advantage of.
To deter citizens from committing federal tax crimes, the government doles out justice with swift impunity.
Here are some of the different types of tax crimes that are punishable under our criminal justice system:
- Tax evasion — Tax evasion is a felony offense. To be convicted of tax evasion, the prosecution must prove that you willfully used illegal means to hide or misrepresent financial details to evade tax laws and avoid paying taxes.
- Failure to file a tax return —This offense is generally handled by the civil court system. However, technically, you could be charged with a misdemeanor
- Filing a false tax return — Intentionally filing a false tax return is a serious felony crime.
- Willful failure to collect or pay employee’s payroll withholding tax — Business owners have a legal duty to manage the payroll withholding tax of their company.
- Failure to pay state sales tax — This is another crime that is typically processed through the civil courts. That said, violators could still be charged with a misdemeanor crime.
If you or someone you love is arrested for any of these tax crimes, seek competent legal help.
Make no mistake, the charges against you are serious, and should be handled by a legal professional.
Penalties for tax crimes
A tax crime conviction can tarnish your reputation and even cost you your freedom.
Fortunately, an experienced federal criminal defense attorney can assess your case and help you build a solid defense.
Listed below are the penalties you face for violating tax laws:
- Failure to pay state sales tax — Civil penalties
- Willful failure to collect or pay employee’s payroll withholding tax — Up to 5 years imprisonment and/or $10,000 fine + civil penalties
- Failure to file a tax return — Civil penalties + one year in jail and $25k in fines for each year you failed to file
- Tax Evasion — Up to 5 years in jail and up to $100k in fines
- Filing a false tax return — Up to 3 years in prison, and up to $100k in fines
When a tax crime arrest threatens to turn your world upside, an experienced federal tax crime attorney can guide you through the steps ahead and help you build a strong defense.
Contact a skilled tax crime defense lawyer in Miami Lakes
The Law Office of Nayib Hassan, P.A., provides experienced counsel to clients accused of tax related offenses.
Whether you are charged with tax evasion or failure to return, we can promptly review your case and help you navigate the road ahead.
For more information about our services, call (305) 403-7323 or contact us online.