Criminal Law Articles

“Everything diminishes when it is used except knowledge.”


Federal Marijuana Crime Penalties

While several states have adopted lenient stances towards marijuana and even legalized the drug for recreational adult users, it remains illegal on the federal level. In fact, even if you are using marijuana in a “legal” state, you may still be found guilty of violating federal law.

Federal Forgery Charges

Every state has its own laws regarding forgery. However, if you mail or carry a forged document across states lines, you could face federal charges. Federal crimes are prosecuted more severely than state level offenses.

What is RICO?

RICO is named after The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act. The act was initially created to stop the “mob” spreading crime and corruption across the country. If you are accused of committing a RICO crime, you need competent legal help immediately.

What to Know About Federal Plea Bargains

A plea bargain is an arrangement between a prosecutor and a criminal defendant where the defendant enters a lesser plea in exchange for more lenient sentencing. Since federal law involves different rules and procedures, the plea-bargaining process is a little different than what occurs on the state level.

Federal Crime Sentencing

One of the reasons it is imperative to hire a federal criminal defense lawyer if you face federal charges is because the sentencing process differs from that of the state criminal justice system. Under the federal sentencing guidelines, judges are advised to dole out certain punishments. This means that if you are charged with a federal crime, you will face certain penalties based on the crime (quantity and type of drug if a drug crime) and your criminal history.

Federal Drug Trafficking Penalties

When it comes to drug crimes, trafficking is one of the worst offenses you can be charged with. A federal offense, drug trafficking is punishable by lengthy incarceration in a federal prison as well as costly fines. Whether you are accused of trafficking marijuana, fentanyl or methamphetamine, you are in serious trouble. However, with the guidance of an experienced criminal defense attorney in Florida, you may be able to have the charges dismissed, or have the sentence against you reduced.

When to Contact a Federal Criminal Defense Lawyer

Nothing is more important than picking up the phone and contacting a criminal defense attorney after being accused of or arrested on a criminal charge. Even if you haven’t been arrested yet and the police are simply investigating their suspicions, it is in your best interest to pursue legal counsel as soon as you are able to.

At the Law Office of Nayib Hassan, we know that bargaining for lesser charges is often not in the best interest of the client. Many prosecutors will put the pressure on in order to secure a guilty plea, often leading the accused into believing that there’s no way they will be found innocent in a court of law. However, our clients often stand the best chance of being proven innocent or having the charges dropped if we proceed with a trial.

We’ll investigate the evidence available in your case and will exhaust every possible resource in order to put together a strong, compelling defense that meets the prosecution at every turn. We will fight zealously for your rights under the law, regardless of the crime you have been charged with.

Don’t wait to get legal help if you or someone you love has been arrested for a crime or have been accused of committing a crime. Explore our criminal law articles and contact the Law Office of Nayib Hassan today for a consultation to discuss the details of your case and to determine what the next best step should be.